Jumat, 23 April 2010

2010 National Magazine Awards Winners [LINK]

Honors the effectiveness of photography, photojournalism and photo-illustration in support of the editorial mission of the magazine

Winner: Vanity Fair: Graydon Carter, Editor for March, September, November Issues

via HuffPo:
The National Magazine Awards -- also known as the Ellies, for the elephant-shaped trophy the winners receive -- were held Thursday night in New York. The awards are presented by the American Society of Magazine Editors and honor the best work in magazines of that year. They are, in other words, the Magazine Oscars. One quirk: each Ellie is presented to the magazine's editor, even if it is for a specific article by one of the magazine's authors.

The big winner of the night was Glamour, which took home the top honor: Magazine of the Year, a new category added this year to award both print and digital excellence. New York magazine won the most (4), while National Geographic (3), The New Yorker (3) and Wired (2) all won multiple awards as well. CLICK HERE to see the list of winners.

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