Selasa, 17 Mei 2011

six flags guy dancing

six flags guy dancing. old six flags guy. six flags
  • old six flags guy. six flags

  • nunes013
    Mar 25, 11:41 PM
    If they start pumping out release candidates now, I think late July is is too far away. WWDC early June is more likely.

    Major OS releases have historically been $129. I don't think that'll happen this time--$99 or $79 makes more sense (Apple likes people to upgrade, and their software prices aren't as high as they used to be). But that's just me speculating.

    i was thinking and kind of hoping for that. wwdc release and them saying that it is a great price. apple has definitely been done a lot with pricing lately with the ipad starting at $500, snow leopard and ilife prices pretty cheap and maybe mobileme coming down in price. apple is getting better with pricing imo. they are more reasonable for many things lately.

    six flags guy dancing. old six flags guy.
  • old six flags guy.

  • NoNameBrand
    Jul 21, 08:26 AM
    yeah, what he said. Apple does not have to distinguish powermacs from servers with processor speeds. People (businesses) who need servers are not going to buy powermacs to do the job even if they are a little bit faster or cheaper; they are going to buy real rack-mounted servers.

    Now you're not thinking like a competitive company that needs to continue to make money.

    Sun is on the ropes and Apple now has a chance to soar in and take a lot of business from them.

    How does Apple releasing an eight-way workstation prevent them from competing with Sun in the server market, again? I must have missed that part.

    six flags guy dancing. dancing Six+flags+guy
  • dancing Six+flags+guy

  • dayne33
    Aug 27, 05:40 PM
    I was just checking out the CD vs C2D comparison at Anandtech, pretty interesting stuff.

    My question is this, is Santa Rosa strictly the mobile platform? I'm a student holding off for an iMac revision, and am wondering if apple utilizes Conroe in the iMac, will the faster FSB's be supported? Is an updated platform already available for Conroe? (I guess I had more than one question )


    six flags guy dancing. old six flags guy. old six
  • old six flags guy. old six

  • addicted44
    Mar 26, 12:13 AM
    I still don't know what people want on these forums. I am SUBSTANTIALLY more excited about Lion than I was about Leopard or Snow Leopard. I don't care about more eye candy. Versions, autosave and resume are all great features and more importantly they're features non-techies will appreciate even more.

    Merging server is damn cool, Mission Control and the improvements to Spaces both look very compelling and I like the interface changes.

    Some of the comments on this board are inane.

    1) Launchpad is the selling point...Really? You think Versions, Resume, Mission Control, OS wide Full Screen App support are not selling points?
    2) $129 is too much. This one cracks me up. Apple is bundling a $500 product into the OS (and other OS based servers are far more expensive) and people think $129 is too much?
    3) When has Apple released an OS, and not shown new features on the final release keynote?

    six flags guy dancing. and the six six-flags man
  • and the six six-flags man

  • theBB
    Aug 11, 07:28 PM

    Can somebody explain me the differences between the cellphone market between the US and Europe.

    Will a 'iPhone' just be marketed to the US or worldwide (as the iPod does)?

    Well, let's see, about 20 years ago, a lot of countries in Europe, Asia and elsewhere decided on a standard digital cell phone system and called it GSM. About 15 years ago GSM networks became quite widespread across these countries. In the meantime US kept on using analog cell phones. Motorola did not even believe that digital cell phone had much of a future, so it decided to stay away from this market, a decision which almost bankrupted the company.

    US started rolling out digital service only about 10 years ago. As US government does not like to dictate private companies how to conduct their business, they sold the spectrum and put down some basic ground rules, but for the most part they let the service providers use any network they wished. For one reason or another, these providers decided go with about 4 different standards at first. Quite a few companies went with GSM, AT&T picked a similar, but incompatible TDMA (IS=136?) standard, Nextel went with a proprietary standard they called iDEN and Sprint and Verizon went with CDMA, a radically different standard (IS-95) designed by Qualcomm. At the time, other big companies were very skeptical, so Qualcomm had to not only develop the underlying communication standards, but manufacture cell phones and the electronics for the cell towers. However, once the system proved itself, everybody started moving in that direction. Even the upcoming 3G system for these GSM networks, called UMTS, use a variant of CDMA technology.

    CDMA is a more complicated standard compared to GSM, but it allows the providers to cram more users into each cell, it is supposedly cheaper to maintain and more flexible in some respects. However, anybody in that boat has to pay hefty royalties to Qualcomm, dampening its popularity. While creating UMTS, GSM standards bodies did everything they could to avoid using Qualcomm patents to avoid these payments. However, I don't know how successful they got in these efforts.

    Even though Europeans here on these forums like to gloat that US did not join the worldwide standard, that we did not play along, that ours is a hodge podge of incompatible systems; without the freedom to try out different standards, CDMA would not have the opportunity to prove its feasibility and performance. In the end, the rest of the world is also reaping the benefits through UMTS/WCDMA.

    Of course, not using the same standards as everybody else has its own price. The components of CDMA cell phones cost more and the system itself is more complicated, so CDMA versions of cell phones hit the market six months to a year after their GSM counterparts, if at all. The infrastructure cost of a rare system is higher as well, so AT&T had to rip apart its network to replace it with GSM version about five years after rolling it out. Sprint is probably going to convert Nextel's system in the near future as well.

    I hope this answers your question.

    six flags guy dancing. six flags old guy dancing
  • six flags old guy dancing

  • Jon'sLightBulbs
    Aug 26, 04:08 PM
    You're screwing up, intel. We don't want 300 trillion transistors on a 1 nm die. We want longer battery life. Idiots.

    six flags guy dancing. who is the six flags guy.
  • who is the six flags guy.

  • Blue Velvet
    Mar 22, 01:05 PM
    You only oppose it when it's a Republican in office.

    Really? I'd like you to provide some evidence for that statement.

    six flags guy dancing. A random six flags commercial.
  • A random six flags commercial.

  • Rm.237
    Apr 8, 08:33 AM
    Just to let y'all know, unless someone else knows otherwise, Best Buy makes zero off Apple product sales (that haven't been marked up).

    I read this thread and I noted that someone pointed out that BB apparently marks up some items -Airports, Time Machines, etc. I found this odd since Apple controls all the pricing, but eh, not going to question that since those are the facts I'm assuming (can't be bothered to go on a comparing spree).

    Anyway, the iPad 2s aren't marked up, thus they make zero.
    Each department should be meeting their budget daily. How do they do that? By selling products they make notional margin and that allows that department to meet their budget. On a slow, sh-tty day, a department may only be 70% to budget; on a fast, awesome day, a department may be 110% to budget.

    But when you make zero off iPad sales, keeping them away from customers does not help notional margin. Doesn't bring them any closer to hitting budget. The only way they'd make money on that iPad sale would be selling accessories or the Black Tie protection. But that's entirely something else.
    Best Buy makes zero notional margin on iPad sales, so they're not withholding stock to meet daily budgets.

    I can't explain why they're doing this, but given my knowledge, I can invalidate the claim that managers are hoarding iPads so that they can meet budget every day.

    Cheers! :D
    Margin is not the same as the budget. On a sales graph they represent two different things entirely. Course as they say in retail margin is king. At the same time the budget is that big flashy number that everyone wants to hit.

    six flags guy dancing. six flags guy dancing.
  • six flags guy dancing.

  • yg17
    Apr 27, 10:09 AM
    Stay classy Faux News:

    six flags guy dancing. old six flags guy. six flags
  • old six flags guy. six flags

  • bassfingers
    Mar 26, 04:02 AM
    Since the release of Leopard, the subsequent releases haven't had the wow factor of before.

    Just what I think anyway.

    translation: "snow leopard was okay"

    six flags guy dancing. old six flags guy.
  • old six flags guy.

  • S i
    Sep 19, 08:24 AM
    I wish this board would block automatically "************" and replace it with "************" so this tired so-called-joke would end someday.

    Huh? :confused:

    Nice :D

    I'm going to be p*ssed right off if Apple roll out a measly chip update as this latest rumour states. They need to keep up in order to attract the switchers....& keep them. Switching can go both ways of course. Let's see some other MBP updates too, so the wait translates to something positive.


    I'll "bitch & switch" because I go where I feel I can get competitive advantage (rolling many aspects into this). I'm bitching first as a courtesy to Apple. Is it better if people slip off quietly & buy PCs? If community unhappiness hastens some kind of Macbook attention from Apple then that's great.

    six flags guy dancing. old six flags guy. six flags
  • old six flags guy. six flags

  • Porchland
    Aug 7, 04:11 PM
    Looks very nice. Spaces will become a "how did we live without this?" feature as expose already has.

    Does anyone know when we can expect a video of the WWDC to be uploaded??:confused:

    I can't really tell how Spaces will work the Expose.

    Apple's Leopard Sneak Peak says:

    Configure your Spaces by visiting the Dashboard and Exposé preference pane in System Preferences. Add rows and columns until you have all the desktop real estate you need. Arrange your Spaces as you see fit, then assign what function keys you want to control them. You can also lock specific applications to specific Spaces, so you’ll always know where, say, Safari or Keynote is at all times.

    I could the simulteneous use of both getting a little confusing.

    My main concern overall about Leopard is that feature creep is going to cut into ease of use.

    six flags guy dancing. fool Six+flags+guy+dancing
  • fool Six+flags+guy+dancing

  • EagerDragon
    Aug 26, 10:01 AM
    I'm the same way. I have had .mac since way back when it was "Free for Life" and I just have gotten used to keeping it. I also keep thinking that ole Jobs and company are going to come up with the killer .mac app that will make .mac indespensible.

    I'm still waiting...

    six flags guy dancing. six flags guy dancing.
  • six flags guy dancing.

  • VanNess
    Aug 6, 05:46 PM
    So to post my top bets for WWDC...

    1) A much clearer roadmap for 64 bit support in Mac OS X. I believe they will outline full 64 bit support across all non-10.4 deprecated frameworks (I believe in the initial release of 10.5). Of course it will also fully support 32 bit applications run side by side with 64 bit applications.


    2) Resolution Independent UI will be ready for main stream use with display products possible with in the next year or two (would love to be surprised with 150-200 DPI or so display of course).

    Check. They've had a lot of time to work this one out.

    3) Quartz 2D Extreme will be ready for main stream use along with some good news on the OpenGL front.


    4) Full roll out of the unified user interface look and fell across all frameworks and Apple applications (at least most).

    Check, but I'm not one of the bozo militant unified interface nazis that apply the uno concept without exception across the board. In my mind, an OS should be an OS, not a unique application in and of itself. (Yeah, you Microsoft) The main thing an OS should do as far as the user is concerned should be relatively simple: assist you in finding and organizing your stuff in the easiest, most efficient manner possible. Other than that it should stay out of the way. All apps (regardless of whether they are Apple apps provided with the OS or any others) should honor the basic global UI elements of the OS, i.e., the three buttons at the top left of a window and general menu commands for opening, saving, etc.), but the appearance the application window should be left open to the application's author should it add some sort of benefit in using the application.

    In other words, I like how Garageband has the faux studio mixing board wood paneling as part of it's window. It's not a matter of life and death, but it's pleasant and makes Garageband stand out from other apps for what it's intended purpose is. The unified interface nazis may disagree with this approach, but most of the GUI guidelines they cite about this stuff where valid back in the day of the original Mac OS, the original GUI. Times have changed and those guidelines never foresaw today's modern graphic abilities to approach the GUI in new innovative ways such as Expose, or Dashboard, or other uses of 3d as a an effective way of presenting a GUI to the user. So the uno concept is ok provided that it doesn't reverse course and head backward instead of forward.

    5) Improved Quartz API to allow for more advanced window styles and effects.

    Check, and see above.

    6) PowerMac replacement with Quad core model... a true workstation class system (likely similar enclosure to what we have now in the PMG5).

    Check. Sure, why not?

    six flags guy dancing. man in the Six Flags
  • man in the Six Flags

  • rufwork
    Apr 8, 12:05 AM
    Screwing around is how they lost Macs in the first place. They wanted to only sell certain iMac Colors and Apple said you can sell what we send or not at all, that's why Apple left them in the first place years ago. Then they cam back with the "store in a store" concept.

    I think the deal was that they had to sell the same number of each color, so if they got a shipment of 10 of each and had 5 limeys left over, they couldn't order 10 more of, say, blue until limey was gone.

    Right? (And I owned a lime iMac, so quit your whinin'! :D)

    six flags guy dancing. old six flags guy. and hit up
  • old six flags guy. and hit up

  • Porchland
    Aug 7, 04:11 PM
    Looks very nice. Spaces will become a "how did we live without this?" feature as expose already has.

    Does anyone know when we can expect a video of the WWDC to be uploaded??:confused:

    I can't really tell how Spaces will work the Expose.

    Apple's Leopard Sneak Peak says:

    Configure your Spaces by visiting the Dashboard and Exposé preference pane in System Preferences. Add rows and columns until you have all the desktop real estate you need. Arrange your Spaces as you see fit, then assign what function keys you want to control them. You can also lock specific applications to specific Spaces, so you’ll always know where, say, Safari or Keynote is at all times.

    I could the simulteneous use of both getting a little confusing.

    My main concern overall about Leopard is that feature creep is going to cut into ease of use.

    six flags guy dancing. to view Six+flags+man
  • to view Six+flags+man

  • cyberdogl2
    Aug 27, 04:48 PM
    i like the powerbook g5 jokes and have been around for a long time if that helps

    six flags guy dancing. Tags:mr six, six, flags,
  • Tags:mr six, six, flags,

  • SiliconAddict
    Aug 7, 07:50 PM
    Not very innovative so-far. The Intel change took the OS's soul and the inspiration.

    Give me a fracking break. Intel has NOTHING to do with this. NOTHING. I wish PPC fanbois would just give it up. Soon they will be claiming that ozone depletion is due too Intel chips.

    does upgrading to leopard cost money for tiger users?


    six flags guy dancing. Old+six+flags+guy
  • Old+six+flags+guy

  • milo
    Aug 17, 04:29 PM
    Some people do things called graphic design and video editing for a living. Sometimes, when you want to make money and put food on the table, you want top of the line equipment.:rolleyes:

    I guess you missed that he was responding to someone talking about gaming? Less eye rolling, more paying attention.

    To make more money faster.Yes. I agree totally. If you are making your living with your Mac doing graphics and video work, every minute saved is another minute you can take on another client or meet a perviously impossible deadline. So in that case the extra $850 is made up in a matter of a few weeks or months at worst. Totally understandable when time is money for the Mac professional. :)


    Mar 31, 04:20 PM
    Maybe, just maybe, Steve jobs knows a bit about computing. You may not like his business model, but the man isn't stupid.

    Apr 10, 01:29 AM
    Enough Nostradamusesque mysticism and lets get to the real demo already! (Impatient) :D

    Apr 6, 04:58 PM
    I'm an Apple mobile device user, and I have never ever been on an Android-centric forum. Not one time! Why would I care what people who have such an obvious difference in taste think about what I have?

    It never ceases to amaze me at how many Android users have to flock to a site called "MacRumors" because they feel then need to lead us poor blinded Apple "fanboys" to the bright shining city on a hill that is Android paradise.

    At least go have your Android orgy, where it may be appreciated by others who care to watch that type of thing...wait...there are such things as Android forums, right?

    Jun 18, 06:30 AM
    He said they gave up and that corporate is just going to send out whatever allocation next week not based on any PIN numbers since most stores give-up trying to get them. :rolleyes:

    Apr 8, 12:36 AM
    Sure there is a difference, but is it noticable? Is it worth the cost?

    A Ferrari costs a lot more than a Ford Fiesta. It's better built and has a lot more power under the hood. But if all you're ever doing is driving at 20 mph, then it doesn't matter, the Fiesta has all the power you need and you'll save a pile of money. Now, you don't want to go rock bottom and buy a junker that might break down, but as long as it runs smoothly at 20 mph, any car will do the job.

    You don't want ultra-cheap crappy cables that can develop loose connections or come poorly shielded, as that can cause dropouts. But neither do you need pure silver or oxygen-free shielding or whatever. Any HDMI cable will either fail outright or do the exact same job as any other for the given application.

    Yeah, just get the cheapo HDMI cable. I'm not spending $50+ for some ripoff cable to play my H.264 lossy compressed "HD" videos.

    I got two HDMI cables off eBay for $5 each :cool: and they're good.

    I like Apple's approach on the iPad 2 vs my experience with the iPhone 4 - where I and 20+ of my closest friends packed the Reston Apple Store in order to see if we could score the iPhone 4 from that mornings delivery.

    Can't you also get them from AT&T? Also, the Apple Store in Santa Monica never has a line for new iPhones or iPads for some reason. I guess they work fast?

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